
Breathwork & Meditation Class

7pm Mondays | $15

+ Live on Zoom

Learn the profound science of breath control or Pranayama: the ancient yogic breathing exercises designed to facilitate spiritual awakening. Breathwork regulates and refines the breath, granting many physiological, psychological, and spiritual benefits.

But Pranayama’s main purpose is to support and deepen meditation. In this class, we practice select breathing exercises before meditating so you can see how the practices work together.

Attend in person at Source Point Wellness or watch live on Zoom (replay recording available the following day).

Meditating with the Chakras

8 Week Series from September 16 to November 4, 2024

Over the following weeks, the class will focus on the classical yogic practices for opening the chakras: the body’s vital energy centers that govern physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Each week will feature the pranayama and meditation techniques for awakening one of the seven chakras.

September 16 • The Root Center (Muladhara Chakra)

  • Governs survival, security, and groundedness.

September 23 • The Sacral Center (Svadisthana Chakra)

  • Governs sexuality/reproductivity, creativity, and desire.

September 30 • The Navel Center (Manipura Chakra)

  • Governs will power, digestion, and ego.

October 7 • The Heart Center (Anahata Chakra)

  • Governs emotion, respiration, and love/compassion.

October 14 • The Throat Center (Vishuddhi Chakra)

  • Governs speech, communication, and intellect.

October 21 • The Third Eye Center (Ajna Chakra)

  • Governs intuition, spiritual awakening, and psychic ability.

October 28 • The Crown Center (Sahasrara Chakra)

  • Governs connection to the divine, higher self, and spiritual domain.

November 4 • Integrating All the Chakras

  • Practices uniting the chakras through the central channel (sushumna nadi).

Nabeel is a certified Pranayama teacher trained by Swami Premajyoti Saraswati at Kriya Tantra Institute.


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